Ulan-Ude - Moskau Zugfahrkarten

Kaufen Sie Zugfahrkarten nach Moskau. Einfach, schnell, ohne versteckte Gebühren.

Details zur Verbindung Ulan-Ude - Moskau

Schnellste Verbindung 82h 35m
Durchschnittliche Reisezeit 88h 41m
Distanz 4420 km
Züge im Überblick
Erste Abfahrt 08:23
Letzte Abfahrt 19:15
Züge pro Tag 2 - 3
Preis ab 136.06 $


Reisedatum: 19 Aug. 2019
We thoroughly enjoyed the trip and would highly recommend it. The scenery is incredible. The staff were efficient, helpful and kind and we felt very well looked after. Everything was clean and well stocked and the beds were comfortable. The restaurant was very basic and didn’t seem to have much of the menu available but we had bought our own food so it wasn’t too much of a problem.
Saf Lunn, United Kingdom (UK)

Wie komme ich zurück zu Ulan-Ude

Zugzeiten abfragen und Tickets kaufen von Moskau nach Ulan-Ude
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