St. Petersburg - Petrosawodsk Zugfahrkarten

Kaufen Sie Zugfahrkarten nach Petrosawodsk. Einfach, schnell, ohne versteckte Gebühren.

Details zur Verbindung St. Petersburg - Petrosawodsk

Schnellste Verbindung 5h 41m
Durchschnittliche Reisezeit 6h 17m
Distanz 302 km
Züge im Überblick
Erste Abfahrt 09:50
Letzte Abfahrt 21:24
Züge pro Tag 2 - 2
Preis ab 25.64 $


Reisedatum: 27 Aug. 2023
the only problem wifi available only for mobile phone with Russian sim card
Luca, Italy
Reisedatum: 18 Apr. 2023
The cabin was very clean and comfortable and the staff was attentive, friendly and helpful.
DIMITRY , Mexico
Reisedatum: 29 Feb. 2020
train on time and comfortable.
Michel, France
Reisedatum: 17 Dez. 2019
The one problem for me this trip is the plane was late to Shipold airport and so I didn’t get my flight to St Petersburg, and so missed my first. I had to by another ticket. There was no way to get any money. I feel if there was a better way to safe guard against losing money I would feel better about buying a ticket over your internet sight
Steven M, United States Of America (USA)
Reisedatum: 24 Nov. 2019
Dietary regime was acknowledged,train comfortable and clean, people helpful
Femy , France

Wie komme ich zurück zu St. Petersburg

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