Moscow - Ulan-Ude train tickets

Buy train tickets to Ulan-Ude. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Moscow - Ulan-Ude route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 82h 07m
Average journey time 87h 13m
Distance 4420 km
Trains overview
First departure 00:35
Last departure 23:55
Trains per day 2 - 4
Price from 204.81 $

Moscow - Ulan-Ude train reviews

Train number: 002Щ
Travel date: 30 Sep 2019
Disliked the lack of a bath room. Bed was bit small. On my age (76) a upper level bed is no . i assumed meals were inclusief but that was bot the case. I liked many things : punctualiteit, cleanliness, conductor
Rudol fontijn, Netherlands

How do I get back to Moscow

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