Ulan-Ude - Irkutsk train tickets

Buy train tickets to Irkutsk. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Ulan-Ude - Irkutsk route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 7h 43m
Average journey time 7h 47m
Distance 229 km
Trains overview
First departure 15:27
Last departure 19:15
Trains per day 1 - 2
Price from 26.87 $

Ulan-Ude - Irkutsk train reviews

Train number: 069Ч
Travel date: 28 Dec 2019
Thé toilets were too narrow and not very convenient and the luggage space under the seat not practical because everybody has to move every time, but I guess it depends on the trains as the one I took from Vladivostok to Ulan-Ude was way easier to manage.
Hélène Petitjean, France

How do I get back to Ulan-Ude

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