Yekaterinburg - Novosibirsk train tickets

Buy train tickets to Novosibirsk. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Yekaterinburg - Novosibirsk route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 19h 54m
Average journey time 21h 57m
Distance 1397 km
Trains overview
First departure 03:31
Last departure 21:50
Trains per day 4 - 6
Price from 54.29 $

Yekaterinburg - Novosibirsk train reviews

Train number: 002Э
Travel date: 26 Sep 2021
On this travel for same Train 002, there should be 1st class compartment.
Nitin Modak , Modak Travels Inc , Nashik , Maharashtra , India, India
Train number: 056Ы
Travel date: 11 Sep 2019
All was correct. Train on time and clean, individual electricity connexion in 3rd class and a really friendly provonitza (unfortunately, it seems that this kind of nice provonitza are an excepcion).
Guillem, Spain and Canary Islands
Train number: 100Э
Travel date: 02 Sep 2019
I liked Puntualidad. Profesionalidad del encargado del vagón. Servicio de samovar. Organización del tren en general. I disliked la falta de limpieza del baño
Yolanda , Spain and Canary Islands
Train number: 100Э
Travel date: 08 Aug 2019
Its confortable but the wc smells really bad. The more hours you go, the smell start to expand to the wagon. Not good at all..
Pedro Antunes, Portugal
Train number: 056Ы
Travel date: 01 Jul 2019
Train Nr 56 is a wonderful train. Nothing to be complaining. Great journey !

How do I get back to Yekaterinburg

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