St. Petersburg - Velikiy Novgorod train tickets

Buy train tickets to Velikiy Novgorod. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

St. Petersburg - Velikiy Novgorod timetable

Departure time Arrival time Travel time Train Price from
07:26 10:17 2h 51m 801А 17.22 $
10:13 12:40 2h 27m 079Ч 21.82 $
11:14 13:52 2h 38m 805А 17.27 $
19:32 23:08 3h 36m 803М 17.24 $

St. Petersburg - Velikiy Novgorod route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 3h 28m
Average journey time 3h 28m
Distance 164 km
Trains overview
First departure 19:43
Last departure 19:43
Trains per day 1 - 1
Price from 18.32 $

St. Petersburg - Velikiy Novgorod train reviews

Train number: 801А
Travel date: 14 Oct 2019
The train was on time. Seats were not the most comfortable.
preeti bisht, Australia
Train number: 801А
Travel date: 16 Sep 2019
Comfortable, punctual, friendly staff
Christoph and Uta Jensen, Germany
Train number: 801А
Travel date: 06 Aug 2019
we liked the ponctuality and the professionalism of the team, way better than in France !
Marie, France
Train number: 801А
Travel date: 05 Jul 2019
The trip was very good.
Train number: 803М
Travel date: 02 Jul 2019
War eine sehr gute Erfahrung. Es hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Sicherheitsvorkehrung ist verständlich, sehr ordentlich und sehr hilfbereites Personal. Der Fahrplan war etwas unverständlich.

How do I get back to St. Petersburg

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