Moscow - Saratov train tickets

Buy train tickets to Saratov. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Moscow - Saratov timetable

Departure time Arrival time Travel time Train Price from
14:05 06:29 16h 24m 047Й 42.34 $
15:22 07:55 16h 33m 237Щ 22.05 $
15:22 07:55 16h 33m 137Й 25.25 $
18:13 09:55 15h 42m 005Г Moscow – Astrakhan 50.22 $
19:05 10:14 15h 09m 009Г Saratov 56.90 $
19:27 13:03 17h 36m 133М 43.83 $

Moscow - Saratov route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 15h 38m
Average journey time 15h 38m
Distance 723 km
Trains overview
First departure 20:00
Last departure 20:00
Trains per day 1 - 1
Price from 57.84 $

Moscow - Saratov train reviews

Train number: 137Й
Travel date: 27 Jun 2022
Thank sou very much, everything was fine!
Peter Muehlbach, Germany
Train number: 009Г
Travel date: 23 Jan 2020
Everything was perfect
Ales Stottl, Germany
Train number: 017М
Travel date: 24 Sep 2019
Verry nice experience
Yousra, Algeria
Train number: 017М
Travel date: 01 Aug 2019
Comfort and onboard service were excellent.
Hans-Fredo List, Switzerland

How do I get back to Moscow

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