Khabarovsk - Vladivostok train tickets

Buy train tickets to Vladivostok. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Khabarovsk - Vladivostok route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 11h 34m
Average journey time 12h 16m
Distance 646 km
Trains overview
First departure 16:30
Last departure 20:45
Trains per day 2 - 3
Price from 53.34 $

Khabarovsk - Vladivostok train reviews

Train number: 006Э
Travel date: 19 Aug 2019
I experienced a wonderful train trip. Everything was amazing. Especially an attendant staffs are very kind and nice. I did not get off the train. Only one night is too short to spend in such a great train. I definitely come back in the near future!
Yoshie, Japan
Train number: 100Э
Travel date: 16 Aug 2019
employee kindless , Noisy with the stops and the arrival of a new voyager
Chris, France

How do I get back to Khabarovsk

Find train times and buy tickets from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk
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