Kazan - Nizhny Novgorod train tickets

Buy train tickets to Nizhny Novgorod. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Kazan - Nizhny Novgorod timetable

Departure time Arrival time Travel time Train Price from
22:15 06:52 8h 37m 051Э 39.68 $

Kazan - Nizhny Novgorod route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 8h 47m
Average journey time 8h 47m
Distance 322 km
Trains overview
First departure 22:05
Last departure 22:05
Trains per day 1 - 1
Price from 40.79 $

Kazan - Nizhny Novgorod train reviews

Train number: 051Э
Travel date: 06 Jan 2024
Very good comfort, clean equipment
Alexander Richter , Germany
Train number: 051Э
Travel date: 29 Feb 2020
Everything was clean, bed was comfortable, enough space for luggage
JMo, Germany
Train number: 051Э
Travel date: 20 Sep 2019
It was a 4 bed compartment, I would have preferred two persons but the booking option only allowed for 4 person room
departures1, Canada
Train number: 051Э
Travel date: 15 Aug 2019
Like - quality of bunk Dislike - difficult access to toilets in the morning
Tat, Russian Federation

How do I get back to Kazan

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