Gomel - Minsk train tickets

Buy train tickets to Minsk. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Gomel - Minsk timetable

Departure time Arrival time Travel time Train Price from
06:30 10:57 4h 27m 647Б 13.03 $
07:00 09:50 2h 50m 707Б Strizh 15.98 $
13:00 17:09 4h 09m 302С 24.53 $
14:17 23:04 8h 47m 631Б 16.46 $
15:10 18:08 2h 58m 739Б 14.75 $
15:10 18:08 2h 58m 709Б 15.98 $

Gomel - Minsk route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 2h 50m
Average journey time 2h 50m
Distance 282 km
Trains overview
First departure 07:00
Last departure 07:00
Trains per day 1 - 1
Price from 15.84 $

How do I get back to Gomel

Find train times and buy tickets from Minsk to Gomel
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