Chudovo - Moscow train tickets

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Chudovo - Moscow timetable

Departure time Arrival time Travel time Train Price from
03:19 10:16 6h 57m 160А 41.19 $
07:27 10:43 3h 16m 753А Sapsan 83.87 $
15:57 18:59 3h 02m 769А Sapsan 85.07 $
16:25 21:58 5h 33m 725Ч 43.21 $
17:57 21:02 3h 05m 773А Sapsan 137.35 $
18:33 03:22 8h 49m 293А 37.49 $

Chudovo - Moscow route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 3h 02m
Average journey time 3h 08m
Distance 515 km
Trains overview
First departure 07:27
Last departure 20:01
Trains per day 4 - 4
Price from 52.03 $

Chudovo - Moscow train reviews

Train number: 769А
Travel date: 04 Sep 2019
We were very well treated at the local railway station of Chudovo, remaining in the VIP lounge. The hostess accompanied us to the right place to find coach 2 of the Sap San 769 to Moscow. Very comfortable seats in business coach, correct meal. Helpful collaborators, English speaking.
Andre Roelants, Belgium

How do I get back to Chudovo

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